Monday, July 17, 2017

Summer in Destin

What is Summer like in Destin you ask? It is a lot of things but never boring!

Don’t try to leave Destin on Saturday morning or come to Destin Saturday afternoon. Saturday’s the changeover day where one week’s worth of tourist leave and another week’s worth come in. Stay away from Mid-Bay bridge at all cost on Saturdays!

In Summer in Destin you have to plan your trips. Don’t try to go to a restaurant between 6 and 9 pm. You will be waiting. Plan to stay off of Hwy. 98 in the afternoons and for heaven sake don’t try to take Commons Drive as it is a parking lot. Plan things right and you can fly up and down 98…like at 5 or 6 am!

The Destin charter fishing fleet is going strong in the Summer. Trips leave early in the morning with some captains making two trips a day. If you want some free entertainment go to the docks in the afternoon as the boats come back and watch as the deck hands filet up the catch. You see some impressive fish on the docks.

The Summer weather in Destin is pretty predictable. We have temps in the upper 80’s to low 90’s with humidity that you can cut with a knife. Each day there is a 50 or 60% chance of rain with it usually hitting about late afternoon.

Which bring us to another Summer activity in Destin. When it rains, all the tourist leave the beach and hit the road to the Commons and the Outlet Mall. That immediately causes a nightmare traffic problem. If I was king I would mandate all tourist have to return to their condo if it’s raining and wait it out. If you want to walk someplace go ahead but leave the car behind! LOL

Summer in Destin means going to the beach or Crab Island. Yes, we have seaweed, jelly fish, sharks and many other yucky things that can hurt you in our water. So be careful but you can still have fun. Don’t forget the sunscreen as you can burn quickly.

If you want to adventure out on the water you can rent a jet ski or pontoon boat. Many tourist do just that. Or you can go parasailing, play a round of golf or just do nothing on the beach. You can head to the harbor or The Boardwalk on the island for fireworks. Free concerts are hosted at many locations. In Destin in the Summer you can do it all or nothing at all.

Come down and enjoy all Destin has to offer in the Summer. All we ask is don’t leave your common sense at home, don’t trash our beach and relax because you are on vacation!

Sunshine Cindy and I had a quiet week. We did go to Landshark Pizza for the Parrot Head meeting on Friday. Saturday we did a little house searching then had lunch at Tailfins. Other than that we were bums!

Not much going on this week for us. See ya next Monday!

Destin Steve

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